
Paul Périssé (1950) is a self-taught visual artist born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His journey in art began in 1981, drawing exclusively with black, white and gray pencils, and he only started painting and using color almost a decade later. He has a Doctoral degree in Psychology and Neurosciences and worked for several years in Education both as a school principal and as a professor. Paul is an avid traveler who has traveled extensively through the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. He’s lived in the US, Portugal, France and Canada.  Presently Paul lives in a remote rural area in the southernmost part of Brazil, where he has his studio.

Inspired by the Portuguese writer and poet Fernando Pessoa and his heteronyms, Paul also paints in different styles. His work is not a monolithic production. As he best describes, “Fernando Pessoa has freed me from the act of creating in only a single form.”

There are 7 of the heteronyms on this site, all of them modern painters whose works reflect their attitudes towards life and their very particular ways of experiencing the world and expressing their reactions to it. Each one of them has their media and techniques of preference, as well as their unique ways to experiment and explore new ideas. Some of them have work featured in private collections in Brazil, Portugal and the USA.

In Paul’s own words, “Art has taught me to see the world around me both on the whole and in detail, in such a way that nothing is insignificant, unimportant nor superfluous. It has also freed me to feel intensely and fearlessly the whole spectrum of human emotions. When I draw or paint I shed all shields, disguises and masks of social life and become myself in my purest and simplest essence. It would be hypocritical to say that I don’t paint for others, but I accept humbly that they may not see beauty nor talent in my creations. What matters above anything else is that I dare to be free to create and that it pleases me when the work is done… and while it doesn’t  it simply means that it’s not finished yet.”

Paul Périssé, artista autodidata, nasceu em 27 de outubro de 1950, no Rio de Janeiro. Viveu em várias cidades brasileiras como Belém do Pará, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Goiania e São Paulo. Atualmente reside no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Morou também no exterior em Portugal, na França, no Canadá e nos Estados Unidos, onde completou suas graduações em Letras e Psicologia e, em seguida, o mestrado. É doutorado pela USP/SP. Um ávido viajante, percorreu a Europa, Américas, Oriente Médio e parte da Ásia. Já foi Youtuber e Blogueiro do canal Multiegos, também editor de vídeos, de imagens, roteirista, autor, redator, leitor, diretor, crítico, amigo, gente boa, toca harmonica de ouvido, pensador contemporâneo e ótima pessoa. Você não pode deixar de conhecer.

© Paul Périssé